Today i am going to share a guide on How to add fab button in your application. I already saw that many developers able to do this by editing Pngs in Photoshop or gimps etc. but that take time and much experience too so here i am going to help you in xml for creating fab Drawable.
So let Start.
- Decompile that application in which you want to add fab Button.
- Now we need to create a fab button drawable
- just create new xml name it fab_ic_add_btn.xml
- then put this code in it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""> <item android:state_pressed="true"> <layer-list> <!-- Shadow --> <item android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp"> <layer-list> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#08000000"/> <padding android:bottom="3px" android:left="3px" android:right="3px" android:top="3px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#09000000"/> <padding android:bottom="2px" android:left="2px" android:right="2px" android:top="2px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#10000000"/> <padding android:bottom="2px" android:left="2px" android:right="2px" android:top="2px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#11000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#12000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#13000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#14000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#15000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#16000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> </layer-list> </item> <!-- Blue button pressed --> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#90CAF9"/> </shape> </item> </layer-list> </item> <item android:state_enabled="true"> <layer-list> <!-- Shadow --> <item android:top="2dp" android:right="1dp"> <layer-list> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#08000000"/> <padding android:bottom="4px" android:left="4px" android:right="4px" android:top="4px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#09000000"/> <padding android:bottom="2px" android:left="2px" android:right="2px" android:top="2px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#10000000"/> <padding android:bottom="2px" android:left="2px" android:right="2px" android:top="2px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#11000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#12000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#13000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#14000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#15000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#16000000"/> <padding android:bottom="1px" android:left="1px" android:right="1px" android:top="1px" /> </shape> </item> </layer-list> </item> <!-- Blue button --> <item> <shape android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#03A9F4"/> </shape> </item> </layer-list> </item> </selector>
- Now You will have to download the icons which will be displayed on fab. You can download Plus Icons FAB from this link.
- Copy these icons into your drawable files.
- Now we want to place this Fab button in our layout.
- Place the FAB in a FrameLayout and add your layouts above the FAB view. For best results, keep the FAB height and width at 72dp and in the bottom right of the FrameLayout.
<FrameLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <!-- Your layouts here. Do not put anything below the FAB layout --> <com.Droidbuster.materialfab.fab_btn android:id="@+id/fabbutton" android:layout_width="72dp" android:layout_height="72dp" android:layout_gravity="bottom|right" android:layout_marginBottom="16dp" android:background="@drawable/fab_ic_add_btn" android:src="@drawable/fab_ic_add" android:layout_marginRight="16dp" /> </FrameLayout>
- Now i will demonstrate how to add target in our fab button. so that our smali editing part . haha ! dont worry its simple. its just like adding shortcut of any activity .
- so now download this zip. then extract this Copy all smali to your \smali\com folder
- Now go to com\Droidbuster\materialfab folder Now open fab_btn$1.smali with Notepad++
- Search for <!-- android:targetPackage --> Now change this your desired target package name.dont know what is this? targetPackage Name? I will explain in another post .haha!
- and Now Search for <!-- android:targetClass --> Change this code to your desired target Class Name.
- For example here is my my Targetpackage Name and targetClass name
android:targetPackage="" android:targetClass=" onList
- Now every thing done. compile your apk now push to your now you can see your working fab button in Frame layout
CREDITS : Droidbuster@xda